Lifestyle choices and actions may be causing stresses that affect the function of your nervous system- whether you feel them or not. That’s why we don’t guess- we test using INSiGHT scanning technology!
Help Ensure Accurate Assessment Results By Following These Simple Guidelines:
Give yourself plenty of time to arrive without feeling rushed or overly stressed.
Allow at least 3 hours after exercise or intense physical activity.
Limit caffeine intake (coffee, tea, soft drinks) for at least 3 hours prior to your evaluation.
Do not alter your prescriptions. Please notify our team of any you are currently taking.
Limit nicotine and non-prescription drugs prior to your appointment.
This is not an exam that you can fail. We simply want to see where your are in the process of change.
Learn More About INSiGHT Scanning Technology
We utilize CLA INSiGHT scanning technology to find, measure, and quantify how much stress your body is under and how well it is adapting to the external stresses of life. In many cases, stress, nerve tension, and abnormal function are often present before you begin noticing symptoms or pain. Chiropractic adjustments improve neurological adaptability to daily stressors.
Healing takes time and repetition, so it is important to look deeper with INSiGHT scans and continually monitor any ongoing stress on your nervous system.
INSiGHT neuroTech helps:
Unwind nerve tension to better adapt and build up reserve energy.
Release unhealthy patterns and lifestyle habits.
Ignite your body’s natural healing with accurate customized care plans.
The most critical system in the body that determines health is the Central Nervous System. It is made up of three divisions: sensory, autonomic, and motor. They all work together to coordinate EVERY bodily function. When the nervous system is “stuck” in sympathetic “fight or flight” mode, the suppression of vagal tone decreases our ability to adapt and recover. INSiGHT scans help us be proactive.
Infrared thermography uses sensors to evaluate autonomic nerve function that controls organs, glands, and skin temperature. This regional function is mediated by sympathetic vasomotor nerves connecting the spine to the organ systems. Dysautonomia stress patterns affect the digestive, respiratory, and immune systems.
Surface Electromyography (sEMG) is ideal for measuring the combined outcomes of postural and neuromuscular exhaustion. Identifying over-stressed and subluxated areas by detecting patterns of asymmetry and neurospinal inefficiency. Dysponesis stress patterns of abnormal energy expenditure create too much noise in the nervous system.
Heart Rate Variability (HRV) along with arousal levels and temperature provide an in-depth measurement of neurological adaptability and recovery to daily and eventful stressors. Variability in heart rate reflects the vagal tone and sympathetic function of the Autonomic Nervous System.
CLA INSiGHT neuroTech scanning technology has proven credibility with peer-reviewed published research, independent lab testing, FDA registration, and admissible court evidence.