It's Okay To Be Confused
/As parents, our top priority is making the best choices for our children’s health. Yet, in a world full of conflicting information and advice, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed or confused about what is truly best. It’s okay to be confused, and it's okay to not have all the answers right away. In fact, embracing that uncertainty can be the first step toward finding a more holistic and informed approach to your child’s well-being.
When something does not match our viewpoint or current beliefs, we are often quick to dismiss the details. Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection held the idea that features that help an animal survive would get passed down to subsequent generations and anything else would gradually fade out of existence. Darwin was puzzled by the peacock's tail for quite some time before he realized its importance in reproduction and the survival of the species.
Similarly, Dr. John Snow led an investigation into the cholera outbreak in the 1850’s. The London government had commissioned a group of scientists to survey hospitals to learn about which methods of treating cholera were most effective. These scientist excluded and dismissed one homeopathic hospital on the basis of being “unscientific”. It was later realized that this homeopathic hospital recorded an 18% mortality rate, much lower than the 46% average of the hospitals included in the survey. If the council had been curious they might have saved millions of lives decades earlier. In fact, the success had nothing to do with homeopathy but was due to good hygiene practices, such as sterilizing blankets before reuse, and the rehydration of fluids and electrolytes for all patients.
As parents, it’s empowering to realize that we don’t have to settle for surface-level answers or simply accept the status quo when it comes to our children's health. By shifting our perspective and staying curious, we open up the possibility of discovering new paths to well-being.
If you’ve found yourself asking why your child may be experiencing issues like sensory processing challenges, sleep disturbances, or anxiety, neurologically-based chiropractic care could help you discover a new paradigm. It’s not about immediately jumping to solutions, but about exploring the root causes of health challenges and understanding how the nervous system plays a crucial role.
Our brain is wired to seek short-term rewards, which can lead to impatience when we don’t see instant results. Much like the soreness we feel the day after a strenuous workout— that soreness is a reminder that we did something hard that will pay off for us in the long-term.
Just like we would not abandon exercise after feeling sore once, the true long-term benefits of chiropractic care take time to accumulate, as our nervous system gradually adapts to a healthier state.
It’s easy to assume that chiropractic care is not making a difference if we’ve only had a few sessions or are only getting occasional adjustments. The key is receiving the right rhythm of adjustments over time. It’s a long-term investment in our health, just like any worthwhile goal, the reward we are seeking may take time to fully materialize. Stick with it!
Galef, Julia. The Scout Mindset: Why Some People See Things Clearly and Others Don't., Chapter 11, 15. 2021.