Natural is Always Better
/There are two words that translate the same in Greek and Hebrew languages. Ginosko is to have knowledge of something and Yada is knowledge gained through experiencing something. I don’t know about you but these are two completely different things to me.
Would you rather go to battle with someone that studied and read about war for 25 years or someone that trained and experienced the front lines of battle?
An ancient warrior once said “it is one thing to study war and another to live the warriors life”. You can get pretty confident by reading everything you can get your hands on about a certain subject, it’s called artificial maturity. But knowing how to do something and having practical experience actually doing something is radically different.
When it comes to science and the body, the same principle is true. While studying and having knowledge is very important, it will never 100% match the nature of experience. We can do research and study everything to the cellular level and trust the experts but all of the healing properties are already within the each and every person and living thing on the planet. It’s called Innate Intelligence. This inborn intelligence by design has a goal to keep us alive. It will repair broken bones, close open wounds and even alert us when it’s exhausted from defending our body from a threat. There is no other more powerful thing than the nervous system being able to learn and remember a trauma or experience that it has gone through in the past. The neuroimmune system has cells that monitor for incoming threats and other cells that are sent when in need of an attack. How cool is that?
Except there is a problem... We often weaken our neuroimmune system by over stressing the body, not getting the proper nutrients or proper recovery time, and by using our educated mind to undermine it’s natural ability and send in artificial robot cells that appear and act like the real thing to do the job. The problem is the brain no longer learns from the experience or maybe the battle is prolonged, which isn’t sustainable.
Chiropractic adjustments help the body recover and function optimally so the Innate Intelligence can live a life of full expression.
One of the ways the natural healing potential of the body can get depleted is by what chiropractors call subluxations. The subluxations are interfering with the ability of the brain to communicate properly with the different systems and parts of the body. This happens when the brain gets stuck perceiving there is a constant threat, which ultimately depletes the ability for the body to adapt to the environmental stresses of life that are required for us to survive in today’s busy world.
Best thing we can do is trust our God-given healing potential to do the job and make decisions that will strengthen the weakened body to suit the environment, not the other way around.
Medcalf, Joshua. Chop Wood Carry Water, Chapter 4, 2015