Chance or Choice?

Chance or Choice?

Choices we make daily and seasonally affect our immune system function. Although it seems impossible to resist the stresses imposed on us by the demands of our hectic society, we can reduce the effects these stresses have on our families’ health. Two important keys: The lifestyle choices we make that reduce ongoing stressors and what we do to help our bodies adapt to the incoming stressors.

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Develop Courage Thru Risky Play

Develop Courage Thru Risky Play

Much of life, is unpredictable. To do almost anything interesting is to put yourself into a situation where you can’t be sure what will happen next. Society continues to put restraints on opportunities for children to experience risky play, out of concern for safety. It is no surprise children today are suffering record levels from anxiety, panic attacks, feelings of helplessness, and poor physical fitness. Something stressful activates the sympathetic nervous system, so heart rate increases. Risky play helps to normalize physiological arousal so it is not itself a source of fear.

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Increase Your Attention Span

Increase Your Attention Span

Our brains are not designed for this amount of information overload. The brain is a memory organ that rewires and reorganizes itself based on our daily lifestyle habits. Our minds have been trained to expect to take in information in the same way that the news distributes it.

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Why do so many of us feel like we're going 0 to 100 mph everyday? Why do so many of our children do the same. Lets dig into the science behind getting “STUCK” in stress mode, and how to get “DETOXED” if you are! Every day, there are changes or challenge that bring stress. It causes parents to become overwhelmed and even feel toxic under stress.

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Natural is Always Better

Natural is Always Better

We often weaken our neuroimmune system by over stressing the body, not getting the proper nutrients or proper recovery time, and by using our educated mind to undermine it’s natural ability and send in artificial robot cells that appear and act like the real thing to do the job. The problem is the brain no longer learns from the experience or maybe the battle is prolonged, which isn’t sustainable. Chiropractic adjustments help the body recover and function optimally so the Innate Intelligence can live a life of full expression.

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