From Strictly Bottle Feeding to Exclusively Breastfeeding
Story of Hope for Liam
Challenge: Nursing Difficulties, Sleep, Reflux
Liam’s mom, Katie, brought him to Crossroads Chiropractic when he was 5 weeks old. Liam was extremely fussy (mom rated him a 10/10 for fussiness), not wanting to breast feed due to latching issues, and muscle tension all over his back, neck, arms and legs. She also let us know he was constantly spitting up his formula to the point of projectile vomiting. Liam had not latched to breastfeed since he was 1 week old.
During Liam’s consultation, we learned that labor was extremely stressful for both mom and baby. Labor was induced with Pitocin, an epidural ended up bring required for pain, and then baby ended up being stuck in the pelvis face up. During labor, mom’s blood pressure and baby’s heart rate began to bottom out which resulted in an emergency C-section.
Whenever baby has a stressful entrance into the world, we know it makes them more likely to be defaulted into a fight or flight response. When the body is living in fight or flight (sympathetic nervous system) it isn’t able to rest, heal, and recover (parasympathetic nervous system). This parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for everything a newborn should be good at: eating, sleeping, and pooping.
Liam’s initial assessment
After 1 month of care at Crossroads Chiropractic Liam is a completely different baby. He is sleeping better and is way less fussy. He will happily lay on his back and his tummy without issues. The reflux has also completely gone away.
However, the most exciting part is that Liam is now able to exclusively breastfeed. He is able to feed without the use of any assistance, including a nipple shield. At his 2 month check up, his pediatrician was completely stunned at the results. Katie reported that the pediatrician had never seen a baby over the age of 4 weeks old go from zero breastfeeding to exclusively breastfeed. Katie spoke with her lactation consultant and she had a similar reaction of shock and awe.
Katie was ecstatic to share Liam’s story in hopes that it would reach another mom out there that has struggled. Prior to chiropractic care, she had really held onto feelings of guilt and shame because she wasn’t able to care for her baby the most natural way she knew how.
It turns out - there was nothing wrong with mom or baby - they just needed to be living with a state of less stress in their nervous system.