From Daily Explosive Outbursts to Apologizing for His Actions

From Daily Explosive Outbursts to Apologizing for His Actions

Finley started at Crossroads Chiropractic at 10 years old. He was given borderline diagnoses of Autism, ODD, OCD, and ADHD. After multiple rounds of therapy, supplements, detoxes.. the only advice anyone could give was medication.

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Decreasing Meltdowns and Improving Behavior

Decreasing Meltdowns and Improving Behavior

Maryn's journey at Crossroads Chiropractic highlights how balancing the nervous system can help children overcome behavioral struggles. After experiencing traumatic birth, colic, and emotional dysregulation, Maryn’s family saw significant improvements through chiropractic care.

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From Constant Melt Downs to Finding Joy in Public Spaces

From Constant Melt Downs to Finding Joy in Public Spaces

When Bentley started care at Crossroads Chiropractic was was very high on the autism spectrum. He had a very limited tolerance for being out in public, especially loud, over stimulating places. Through chiropractic care and helping rebalance his nervous system, Bentley is able to enjoy more experiences and change.

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From Struggling with Change to Thriving in a Brand New School

From Struggling with Change to Thriving in a Brand New School

When they came to Crossroads Chiropractic, mom was skeptical. So many different therapies and treatments promised results but they just hadn’t seen any. Jaivyn did not handle change well and did not like talking. Mom felt he was completely unable to express his emotions outside of intense anger. All of this caused his mom intense anxiety and she felt like she was carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders.

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